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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

China PLA General Hospital


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The China PLA General Hospital was formerly the second clinical institute affiliated to Peking Union Medical College, which was changed in October, 1953 into “Hospital directly affiliated to the military commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July, 1954, it was renamed as the 301 Hospital of the PLA. In June, 1957, the Department of Defense mandated to cancel the appellation of “301 Hospital”, while appointing the name of “the China PLA General Hospital”. PLA Postgraduate Medical School was constructed with support from the China PLA General Hospital. It was founded in November, 1958 and closed down in 1962, and in June, 1979, it was restored with approval from the military commission . In September, 1986, it was formally listed among the universities and colleges of the whole army, with a authorization number. In 2004, the 304 Hospital and 309 Hospital of the PLA were renamed respectively as the 304 and 309 Clinical Branches, and publicly referred to as the First and the Second Hospitals affiliated to the China PLA General Hospital, meanwhile listed into the compilation sequence of the China PLA General Hospital.


The China PLA General Hospital is the largest comprehensive hospital in the army, integrating clinical treatment, health care, education and research functions. As a major heal care center in China, it is responsible for medical treatment and health care in the central authorities, the military commission and the Health Department of General Logistics Department of the PLA. It treats confusing and difficult disease for each kind of army in all military regions and also treat local patients outside the army.

The Hospital has in all more than 4000 designated beds, of which over 2200 distributed in the headquarters, and more than 900 in the 304 and 309 Clinical Branches. There are totally 150 clinical medical and medical technical departments, among which there are 10 specialized medical centers of the PLA, including the ENT department, the department of orthopedics, the department of cardiovascular internal medicine and surgery, the department of neurology and neurosurgery、the department of ophthalmology, the department of endocrinology, the department of renal diseases, the department of gerontology, the department of medical imaging and the department of nursing, and 7 key laboratories of the PLA for the researches into deafness, cardiovascular diseases of the elderly, endocrinology and renal diseases etc. In addition, there are still 16 medical institutes of the PLA. Notably, the ENT-Head & Neck surgery, orthopedics and gerontology of the hospital are key national disciplines.

The hospital is equipped with globally advanced medical and research instruments, such as PET, 8 distinct MRI machines including 3.0T,9 spiral scanning CT machines including 64-slice ones、3 extracorporeal shock wave lithotripters (ESWL),6 DSA including the 3100-type, 15 Color Doppler超声检查仪, linear accelerator for medical treatment, X knives, electron mirrors, ECT, laser focusing microscopes, FCM and excimer laser systems etc, whose values amount to over RMB 1.2 billion yuan. The rich technical sources and advanced diagnosis and treatment methods have highly elevated the technical levels and the medical service quality. The coincidence rate of preliminary clinical diagnosis and accurate diagnosis has reached 99.36%, the rate of success of emergency treatment 90.48% and the ratio of effective treatment 97.93%. The yearly outpatients are 2.5 million person-times while the inpatients are over 80 thousand, with 40 thousand or so operations accomplished. Nevertheless, the hospital initiates 250 new services, new techniques each year, which with distinct technical peculiarity and advantages conduce to the effective treatment of many difficult and complicated cases, resulting in the success of complex operations and emergency treatment. Some of these curative techniques are of advanced world standard.

The hospital is located in the 28th Yard, Fuxing Road, Beijing, occupying 1,032,273 square meters with a building area of 252,900 square meters.

3. The Disciplinary construction

The hospital, rich in technical sources, has 3600 professional technical technicians among which there are more than 1000 who are senior technicians, 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 3 “Contemporary masters”, 2 “Bole”, 6 “technological silver stars”, 2 “new technological stars”, all of which awarded by the general logistic department. Not only are there some learned, accomplished and globally renowned senior experts, but also groups of experienced, high-level middle-aged technicians who are of outstanding specialized knowledge. Meanwhile young pioneering intellectuals endowed with profound theories have emerged in the specialized technical field.

Based on further medical education, PLA Postgraduate Medical School is a new college focusing on education for postgraduates in clinical medicine. It is among the first group of organizations approved by the Evaluation Committee of Academic Degree of the State Council that are authorized to confer doctor and master degrees and devotes itself in cultivating high-level clinical talents. In 1996, it was qualified to hold a post-doctoral station for clinical medicine, and In 2000, a post-doctoral station for stomatology. In 1998, it was authorized to open an experimental center for the education for candidates for master and doctor degrees. There are in the School now 19 majors in 10 disciplines qualified to receive candidates for doctor degree and 33 majors in 33 disciplines qualified to receive candidates for master degree. There are now 89 doctoral tutors and 160 master tutors. Every year over 200 postgraduates are registered, in addition to over 1000 students for further education, more than 200 interns.

The Hospital is equipped with qualified conditions for scientific researches. Every year, it assumes more than 200 research projects for the government and the military. Since 1980, it has won more than 1000 scientific and technological awards from the government and the military. It publishes over 1600 papers each year. The Academic Journal of PLA Postgraduate Medical School organized by the hospital, the Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology, the Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology, and the Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery edited by the hospital are rated as the national core journals.

The Hospital develops comprehensive academic communication and cooperation and technical cooperation with medical schools and medial organizations from more than 60 nations and regions. There are yearly more than 400 technicians of the hospital going abroad for further education or technical cooperation and 400 foreign experts visit the Hospital deliver lectures. It has also employed more than 180 famous foreign experts as honorary professors and technical advisors.

4. Major Accomplishments

After 50 years of construction, the hospital has already grown renowned domestically and abroad, for its concentration of technicians, clinical comprehensiveness, advanced equipments and generally high-level medical treatment. The hospital has been rated as a “ Hospital of the First-class in Grade Three ‘by the Health Department of General Logistics Department, assessed as an “Exemplar Kid-nursing Hospital” by The United Nations Children Foundation, the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health. Moreover, it is the technique center for family planning and prenatal and postnatal care. The hospital never deviates from its devoted service for the army, ensuring the priority of the military patients in their therapy and hospitalization. It has been rated in ten consecutive years as the advanced hospital serving the PLA.

The Party Central Committee, the State Council, the military commission of the Central Committee and the principals in the army are much concerned about the hospital with high expectation. On July, 7th, 1992, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Jiang Zemin presented an inscription to the Hospital, in the words of “Construct the first-class general hospital for the PLA, and serve to improve the battle effectiveness of the army”. Later he inscribed the name of the hospital and the name of the hospital newspaper, which exhibit great concern and encouragement for the development of the hospital. The staff in the hospital, bearing the mission and request in the heart, always conform to the patient-centered and security-first service concept, with due respect for the work, ardent services, constant refining practices and innovative spirit, and will seek to shape the Hospital to be a word-class academic hospital, which will neglect neither the medical ethics nor the medical techniques, but rather produce both intellectual talents and agreeable accomplishments, and will keep tightly intertwine the subjects in science, technology and medicine, and harmonize the development of medical treatment, teaching, and researches.

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